Lancaster Mennonite School has entered into a partnership with Landis Homes that will foster interaction between senior citizens and LMS students at the elementary and high school levels.

Landis Homes has a “Friendly Visitor” program in which volunteers go through training and commit to a number of hours of visitation with the intent of creating friendships with residents and bringing cheer to them. Five LMS National Honor Society students have completed the volunteer application form and are scheduled for training: Ali Sauder, Rachel Steckbeck, Lauren Cairns, Rebecca Lauver and Emma Eitzen.

Residence hall students are planning to volunteer at Landis Homes one to three times throughout the rest of the school year as a group.

At the Kraybill Campus, fifth-grade students are in the process of becoming “pen pals” with senior citizens. The teachers recently received a list of residents to whom the students will be writing.