On Monday, October 6, parents of prospective students are invited to drop in at the Lancaster Campus of Lancaster Mennonite School for light refreshments in Alumni Dining Hall and the opportunity to chat with school administrators, including elementary principals. Student-led tours are available from 8:30 to 9:45 a.m., and parents are welcome to observe high school chapel from 9:54-10:30 a.m. The Lancaster Campus is located at 2176 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster.

The week of October 6-10 is High School Commitment Week on the Lancaster Campus, and the daily chapel services feature Jon Carlson, the lead pastor of Forest Hills Mennonite Church and former pastor of Oley Valley Mennonite Church.

Lancaster Mennonite School serves more than 1,400 students in grades PreK-12 on four campuses: the Lancaster Campus (grades 6-12), the nearby Locust Grove Campus (PreK-6), the New Danville Campus (PreK-5) and the Kraybill Campus in Mount Joy (PreK-8).
