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Nurturing Creative Expression at all Levels

For centuries, people of faith have communicated through the arts what words alone cannot express. Lancaster Mennonite School provides artistic skills, appreciation and opportunities that nourish creativity and a deeper understanding of God and the world. The Calvin and Janet High Fine Arts Center physically represents our deep commitment to the role of the arts in a holistic, excellent education throughout the LM system.

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LM art courses cultivate reflection and aesthetic sensitivity to cultural expressions worldwide. At all levels, this awareness and appreciation for all of God's earth and people leads to constructive creativity.

More than Pretty Pictures


At all levels, LM provides students with on-stage drama/theatre opportunities that cultivate and showcase creativity and self-expression while challenging them to a deeper understanding of people and issues.

More than Acting


Music is part of LM's heart and soul. LM provides a variety of music courses ranging from beginner-level guitar classes to advanced college-level courses for gifted musicians coming from around the world.

More than a Joyful Noise