Donor Stories


john and Thelma wolgemuth

John and Thelma Wolgemuth

“I always thought that Christian education was a good thing. It helps for children to have a Christian influence in addition to home and church. A child is in school more hours than at home or church. We were blessed that we can afford to help.”


Charlie & Sally Hoober

Charlie and Sally Hoober

“One thing we noticed about LM was our kids’ relationship with other students. After our kids became part of the school community, they became more supportive as teammates and as friends. Our family connects through sports and we invest in it to keep it strong. We support LM’s athletic program by sponsoring the Hoober Haller Athletic Leadership Endowment.”


jay and janet frey

Richard and Janet Frey

“We feel blessed that we are able to share our resources in areas that have a lot of meaning to us and have values we want to support. It is exciting to see your dollars at work as the students grow.”


John Eby
John Eby ’58

“I support Lancaster Mennonite because my wife taught there for many years, and because I care about where the church is going to find the next generation of leaders.”