
Lancaster Mennonite brings out the best in students!

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Students displaying leaves they found on nature walk

Why Choose Us


LM’s academic excellence is evidenced by our 100% college acceptance rate, 99% pass rate of Advanced Placement exams, SAT scores 140 points above the national average. According to College Board data, LM students also score significantly higher on Advanced Placement test success of LM students versus PA and national averages.

የትምህርት ቻርት - SAT Scores በተደጋጋሚ 140 ነጥብ ከአገር አማካይነት በላይ


Acre campus of woods,
streams & trails

AP & Honors Courses

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College Prep Program

We offer a broad range of challenging courses, including 14 AP Courses, 10 Honors Courses, and numerous dual enrollment courses from Eastern Mennonite University and Messiah University. Our courses are designed to meet the needs of high-achieving students preparing for college. We combine a rigorous education and unique extracurriculars with a caring, Christ-centered community.

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Educational Programs

For its size, LM produces many National Merit Scholars and Commended Scholars.

LM receives positive feedback from colleges regarding the academic preparation of LM graduates. LM alumni have entered highly selective colleges and universities.

LM students do well in various competitions with students from other schools.

LM students consistently win regional and national awards in art, music, writing, FFA and other competitions.

LM teachers are caring, competent professionals.

A majority of the faculty possess advanced degrees and have lived or studied in other countries, bringing a truly global perspective to their teaching. A number of LM teachers have received recognition at the local, state and national levels.

LM’s holistic programs have a winning tradition.

In athletics as well as clubs, LM programs consistently win at local, district and state levels. LM students have been recognized at the national level for writing, art, spelling and other endeavors.

Surveys of parent satisfaction give LM high marks.

Highly-educated and quality-minded parents are satisfied with Lancaster Mennonite School. The fact that many doctors, lawyers, college professors, school administrators, psychologists and educators want an LM education for their children speaks well of the school’s educational quality. Many quality-conscious and results-oriented business persons also are satisfied that an LM education is worth the investment.

Lancaster Mennonite School is accredited by Cognia and the Mennonite Education Agency.

Being accredited means that LM has met all the standards for accreditation by these two groups and that it has developed and is implementing a measurable plan for student growth in core academic areas as well as spiritual growth.

What Our Graduates ARe Doing


In his work as an Associate Broker and Realtor with Kingsway Realty, Tim provides his services to refugees interested in home buying. “It takes extra work to help people who are new to U.S. customs, laws, finance, and architecture. It takes a higher level of service in order to counsel them well.” For Tim, Cultivating Global Citizens is about believing that “all people have the intrinsic value of being made in God’s image.”

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The Yohannes Family has been connected to LM for decades. Sisters came to the United States from Ethiopia for high school and lived in the Graybill Hall Residence Hall as dorm students. Hamelmal currently lives in Virginia and provides financial management and financial system support to the U.S. Government. Bethlehem, is a nurse at Georgetown University Hospital caring for patients before and after surgery.

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For the past seven years, my family and I (JENNIFER DIENER HOOVER ‘90) have worked with VidaNet in Heredia, Costa Rica. Vidanet exists to develop global disciples of Jesus Christ through intensive discipleship and mission opportunities. My husband, DARYL HOOVER ‘88 and I serve on the executive leadership team. Daryl is CFO, and I am the hospitality coordinator, mentor for our staff girls, staff nurse and volunteer for the crisis pregnancy service we offer.

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Get in Touch Today

Call 717.740.2429 to speak directly to an admissions counselor and request more information or schedule a campus tour. We look forward to meeting you!

“I have 3 kids who attend LM. We love it! We love the teachers, academic programs, Spanish Immersion program, faith focus, and students. It’s a wonderful community of supportive people.” 

Tricia S., Parent of LM Students