Relaciones Pastorales

Partnering with Churches

Lancaster Mennonite School works with families and churches in the mission and ministry of nurturing and educating our students. Together, families, churches and LM partner to create the best possible environment for our children to grow and develop through excellent Christ-centered academics, fine arts, athletics, and problem solving skills that will help them flourish as world changers.

Pastoral Engagement

Lancaster Mennonite School was started in 1942 by local Mennonite pastors and leaders to walk alongside the youth of that day to encourage and equip them for their faith journey of following Jesus “in the world” and yet “not of the world.”  Learn more about LM History – click here.

Today pastors and leaders of our churches are very integral in partnering with LM in the growth and development of our students as followers of Jesus as we prepare them to be life-long learners, listeners, and world changers.

We welcome pastors and church leaders to our campus in numerous ways:

  • Pastor Appreciation Day – A designated time in October when pastors and leaders are invited to visit students on campus. It is also an opportunity for our school community to express appreciation for our pastors. 
  • Chapel services – Pastors are regularly invited to speak in Elementary, Middle School, or High School chapels. If you are interested, please contact Rebecca Fennimore, LM Chapel Coordinator at
  • Pastoral Care events – In the event of a crisis or other emergency, pastors may be invited to be present on campus with students, to bring comfort and pray together.

LM Church Partnership Matching Funds

One way Lancaster Mennonite seeks to partner with churches to assist families is through the Partner Church Matching Program. Congregations can become a partner church by providing scholarships to the LM students attending their congregations. LM will then match those funds up to $1,000 per student. 

These scholarships are not need-based, but are based on donations from congregations that are matched by the school. Recipients may qualify for additional need-based assistance by completing a financial aid application.

Every church who has students at LM is invited and encouraged to participate as a partner church.

Lancaster Mennonite is currently partnered with 20 congregations, including ACC & LMC Congregations.  A full list of current partners and scholarship options can be found by clicking the buttons below.

LM and Church Conference Affiliations

Lancaster Mennonite School is blessed to have ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference of Mennonite Church USA) and LMC, a fellowship of Anabaptist Churches (known formerly as Lancaster Mennonite Conference), as two bodies of local Mennonites who support and partner with the mission and ministry of LM.

In its formation, LM was largely composed of churches and families from Lancaster Conference, now LMC. Later, Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) joined Lancaster Conference as the two primary conferences of Lancaster Mennonite School. To this day, a majority of the Mennonite and Anabaptist students at LM attend churches within these two conferences. Currently our students come from over 180 churches in our geographical area, with Mennonites composing the largest of the denominations who attend LM.

Lancaster Mennonite School is a Conference Related Ministry of ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference of Mennonite Church USA) and is a Resource Partner Organization of LMC , a fellowship of Anabaptist Churches. LM receives its accreditation through Mennonite Education Agency of Mennonite Church USA and AdvancEd, today Cognia, and since 2017 receives governance and oversight from ACC.

In addition, LM is blessed to partner with the Mennonite World Conference (MWC), which is our global Anabaptist convention. Some of our international students come from Mennonite churches around the world, including churches that are part of MWC.

      mennonite world conference logo