Middle School

Middle School - A fun, safe, and caring environment where teachers provide hands-on learning experiences for students to grow and thrive!


Lancaster Mennonite is committed to a student-centered, holistic education that helps students thrive academically at all levels of learning. Our values-based and hands-on approach infuses faith and LM’s core values into the total program, which builds a solid foundation for social and cognitive development.

Teachers authentically integrate faith into all subjects. All grades use Encounter, an Anabaptist faith formation Bible curriculum, with an emphasis on a commitment to following the life and teachings of Jesus. Students are supported in their faith journeys through small groups, devotional times, and weekly chapel.

Middle school students in the classroom


Our dedicated teachers equip students to grow, and also to make a positive impact on the world. Our qualified teachers hold certifications, bachelors degrees, or masters degrees.  The student-teacher relationship is at the heart of our programming since their interactions and development of meaningful relationships helps to foster an educational climate that puts students at the center of all that we do.


Since our teachers are not limited to the state standardized testing requirements they have the freedom to be creative in how they help students learn and apply the material. Teachers use a hands-on, experiential approach that makes students active participants in the learning process.

Our caring, Christ-centered community of teachers, staff, and students means that every student is known, loved and cared for. We work to meet the needs of each individual student and help them thrive in a safe learning environment.

Middle School students

Middle School Program Overview

All middle school students switch classrooms for their classes. Teachers teach core subject areas of Bible, Engineering Design, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies classes. Teachers integrate project-based units into specific subject areas throughout the year. Math is leveled to meet students’ needs.

For students in the Spanish Immersion Program, they continue to receive two periods per day of content instruction in Spanish and the rest in English. The Spanish Immersion courses focus on strengthening Reading, Language Arts, and Social Studies. These students also receive additional emphasis on English
writing. In High School, immersion students can take AP Spanish Language & Culture in a two-year cycle, with different content each year. AP Spanish Language & Literature is offered as an additional elective after this. Students that remain in the program will attain fluency

middle school students cleaning the stream

Integrated Arts

In 5-6th grade, students participate in Integrated Arts classes as part of their regular schedule. These include: general music, art, health and physical education (PE), choir, band, orchestra classes.

In 7-8th grade, students participate in each these Integrated Arts classes for one quarter throughout the year: foods and family & consumer sciences (FCS), health, tech, and art. In addition, students have another period where they can choose to participate in band, orchestra, peer mentoring younger students, or service work around campus.

girls playing violin


LM is committed to cultivating global citizens and building bridges of peace, and one of the best ways to accomplish this is through the study of other cultures and languages. Students not participating in the Spanish Immersion program have a course in 6th grade on World Languages that introduces them to various global cultures and the world languages taught at LM. 7th and  8th grade students have the opportunity to take a full-year course of either Spanish or German, and continued language learning classes in high school.


LM values creative expression as part of the curriculum, and provides opportunities for all students to develop and nourish creativity and a deeper understanding of God and the world through visual art, drama and music. Middle school students participate in art and music (as noted in the Integrated Arts section), which includes both instrumental and vocal options:

  •  Art instruction for grades 5-8
  • Instrumental music lessons for grades 5-6
  • Band and orchestra for grades 5-8
  • General music and choral opportunities for grades 5-8
  • Drama performances each year
Middle School students on stage


Our STEAM program seeks to make connections between science, technology, engineering, art and math so that students can collaborate and apply learning to real-world problems.

Our program has a specific Engineering Design course that engages students in the design-thinking process so that they are learning skills that can be further integrated into class projects. Students can take advantage of a design lab and project spaces. There is also a middle school specific science lab for experimenting and hands-on learning. In addition, students have the opportunity to use our 95 acre campus as an outdoor classroom, and for exploration and application of content learning.

middle school students working on STEM projects


We believe that physical movement is important to the holistic wellbeing of students. Middle schoolers have regular physical education classes as well as daily recess.

Lancaster Mennonite Youth Athletics (LMYA) – Students in K-6th grade can participate in recreational (K-4th) or competitive league (5-6th) extracurricular athletics through this program for soccer, basketball, field hockey, softball and baseball.

lmya girls soccer team

L-L League Sports – Students in grades 7-8 are eligible to participate in L-L league Jr. High level sports for:

  • Basketball
  • Chess (with High School)
  • Cross Country
  • Field Hockey
  • Volleyball
  • Soccer
  • Track
  • Volleyball (girls only in MS)


Middle school students have access to a range of activities offered during and after school. Examples of after school clubs include: Chess, Quiz Bowl and MathCounts. Extracurriculars change on a regular basis, and may include: photography, robotics, board games, wiffle ball, fishing, and yearbook.


Our classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Each classroom has an interactive projector and incorporates the use of various online materials into lessons. Middle school students have 1 to 1 access to Chromebooks during the school day. Students are taught about digital citizenship through a media literacy curriculum that helps them to have safe, smart interactions online.

students working on computer


IU-13’s elementary and secondary school counselors are educational specialists who support students in academic, social, and career domains. They are also involved with developmental programs, college planning, and crisis intervention. The counselor works as part of a team with teachers, administrators, parents/guardians, and other stakeholders. Counselors meet with students individually, in small groups, and in classroom settings.  

Additionally, LM is working with a partner agency to bring mental health services to campus so that families will have the option to pursue counseling during the school day. LM will provide the space for the therapist, but families would need to work with their insurance providers for payment. Contact your child’s principal for more information on this program. 

Gifted and Talented 

The Student Enrichment Experience (SEE) program provides innovative and thought-provoking seminars for advanced and gifted students throughout Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Various seminars throughout the school year are designed for students, Grades 4-12. 

SEE Seminars offer a wide variety of topics and experiences not readily available in the regular classroom. Seminars enrich the curriculum while offering social and emotional support for students with intense interests and curiosity. Through highly engaging experiences designed to challenge them academically, students work with peers from across Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Connecting directly with experts who offer in-depth instruction, hands-on activities, and personal insight, students benefit from the unique “beyond the classroom” environment, which also offers valuable career exploration and support in building vital interpersonal skills needed for career success.