STEAM Overview

Our STEAM Framework

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, art and math. In grades PreK-12th our students participate in STEAM.

We believe STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) and design-thinking are extremely important, so that is why we make it a part of our approach at all grades PreK-12th. Our school integrates hands-on learning into our curriculum, like: robotics, coding, makerspace, gardens, and much more!

LG MakerspaceSTEAM represents a shift in education towards an integrated teaching and application of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. Rather than teaching these as isolated subject areas, Lancaster Mennonite is intentional about creating age-appropriate STEAM opportunities for all grades. We believe STEAM and design-thinking are extremely important, which is why every student at LM participates in STEAM education.

What is the same at every grade level is:

  • The Design Process – This lets students walk through the steps of brainstorming, prototyping, testing, and redesigning in order to create projects that seek to solve real world problems.
  • Strengthening 21st century skills – LM’s STEAM curriculum emphasizes communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking so students are prepared to succeed in the workplace of the future.
  • Multi-Discipline Approach – While there are designated times for math or science class, our teachers integrate topics between subject matter for an interdisciplinary and applied approach.
  • Faith Integration – As with all our courses, our teachers weave faith into the core of their subject matter and encourage students to use their God-given gifts of creativity and problem-solving to find ways to create a better world.

Elementary Level

In addition to their courses in science, math, and music, elementary students also participate in Art & Design class in the Makerspace. LM’s Makerspace is a place where students can gather to share ideas and knowledge with one another as they work on projects related to fine art and design.

Art & Design Content:

Fine Art: Students use a variety of media and processes to explore essential questions.

Engineering Challenges: Students explore concepts in science and math by working collaboratively to build, test, and redesign various projects.

Project-Based Learning (PBL): Students learn by addressing an authentic, open-ended question tied to classroom curriculum.

High Tech Experiences: Students experiment with coding, robotics, and electronics.

Middle School

Our Middle School teachers integrate STEAM into all classes, and teach students how to use design thinking to solve complex problems in a collaborative way.  A quick walk down the hall and through classrooms displays our commitment to integrating STEAM into all areas.  From student-designed comic strips that show understanding in social studies to using 3D printers in Bible class to create scale models of the biblical tabernacle, teachers find ways to challenge students to display their understanding in creative ways.  In addition to their courses in science, art, math, and music, middle school students also participate in engineering design classes that teach students design-thinking and authentic problem solving.  

Sample Engineering Design Projects

  • Design and create an app
  • Design a solution for a broken fish tank
  • Code a personal website
  • Design a solution for water flow problems in our school’s pond
  • Balsa bridge competition
  • Develop an interactive website
  • Tetrahedral kite competition
  • Balsa airplane competition

High School

LM has a variety of STEAM classes for high school students looking to gain content knowledge, strengthen 21st century skills, and attain the tools needed to succeed in the workplace of the future. LM offers design-thinking framework in the curriculum and necessary skills to prepare students to problem-solve, collaborate, and think critically as they prepare for success in their careers.In addition LM provides extracurricular clubs, sports and competitions to participate in.

Classes Include:

Required: 1.0 credit of Fine or Practical Arts

  • AP Biology
  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC
  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP Computer Science A
  • AP Physics C: Mechanics
  • AP Statistics
  • Wildlife and Fisheries Science
  • Robotics
  • Forestry
  • Intro to STEAM
  • Advanced Woodworking
  • Power Technology Small Engines
  • Welding
  • Music – Ensembles in choir, band and orchestra
  • Art – Painting, Drawing, Photography, and Sculpture
  • Culinary Arts
  • And many more…

LM Offers 28 AP & Honors Courses, and all the AP Science and Math Courses available!


  • Tech Crew – students work behind the scenes in the Fine Arts Center auditorium
  • Math Club – students can receive teacher support with their math class
  • Quiz Bowl Team – students compete against other schools as it relates to trivia
  • Art Club – students have time to work on their art projects
  • Chess – students practice to compete against other schools in chess
  • Green Team – students enhance environmental efforts on campus
  • Silhouette (Literary Art Magazine) – student produced publications
  • Yearbook – student produced yearbook
  • FFA Club – Agriculture club that relates to leadership and environmental efforts
  • FFA regional and state competitions
  • PA Math League – periodic competitive math exams for students