LM’s Extragive faqs

Lancaster Mennonite School is participating for the seventh year in a row in the ExtraGive, run by the Lancaster County Community Foundation (LCCF). This unique day of giving highlights organizations that support causes from children and families, to health and education, the natural environment and farmland preservation; from poverty alleviation and affordable housing to arts, culture, religion, heritage, history and more across our community. Lancaster County’s ExtraGive is the biggest day of giving per capita in the United States, which is something very special to be a part of.

Below we share with you frequently asked questions about this event, which is happening on Friday, November 18 this year.


Why does LM participate in ExtraGive?

Lancaster Mennonite School was established over 80 years ago to provide the community a Christ-centered, Anabaptist education. The school is committed to providing a high-quality education that is accessible to every student, and is rooted in Christ and community. Together we will seek Jesus wholeheartedly, live compassionately, build bridges of peace, cultivate global citizens, nurture curiosity and creativity, and empower lifelong learning.

Participating in ExtraGive has helped Lancaster Mennonite School have the ability to focus on incorporating these values into high quality education, while also maintaining accessibility for 7 years. This is our community’s biggest day of giving, and the single largest day of giving for LM. It celebrates the generosity of the Lancaster County community, and it’s a good example for what we can do when we work together. It is also the biggest giving day per capita in the United States, which is something very special to be a part of.

are organizations required to post a non-discrimination policy For transparency?

Yes, the Lancaster County Community Foundation is requiring participating organizations to post a non-discrimination policy on their ExtraGive profile page. This allows donors the freedom to choose to click on the policy and learn more. They are not requiring specific verbiage as part of the non-discrimination policy, and they recognize and respect the place of religious exemptions.

For the last two years we have included our existing non-discrimation policy on our profile. We have not changed or adapted ours in any way. Nothing is being required by the Lancaster County Community Foundation for ExtraGive 2022 that compromises LM’s values, mission, or faith practices.

If you’d like to read more, see the Lancaster County Community Foundation’s FAQs.

Are there fees associated with donations given through the ExtraGive?

Yes, as with any credit card transaction (including gifts made through our own website), there are the typical transaction fees assessed by the credit card companies, as well as technology and processing costs to execute the ExtraGive event. A fee of 4.99% per donation is assessed to cover these costs. This means that 95.01% of each donation designated for our organization in the 24-hour period will go directly to our organization! The Lancaster County Community Foundation keeps NO fees from this event. However, donors may also opt to cover the entire transaction fee if they wish– which means more dollars back to the cause! As in the past, donors will receive a tax deduction on the full donation amount, including any covered fees.

Which way do you prefer that I give to LM?

If you donate with a credit card through LM’s website or through ExtraGive, we are charged a processing fee. If you donate via check or cash directly to LM, there are no fees. However, with what we have received from the ExtraGive stretch pool it has consistently been greater than the fees from the ExtraGive platform, so it’s been offset. There are options to give in advance offline via a Donor Advised Fund distribution, an IRA Charitable rollover, or appreciated stock if submitted no later than November 11. These types of gifts incur only a 1% offline fee. For this type of giving or for gifts over $2,000 we recommend you contact Jon Heinly, Director of Advancement directly via email: heinlyjd@lancastermennonite.org to see which method of giving could make the most impact. Otherwise, it is entirely up to you how you prefer to donate to Lancaster Mennonite School. We are happy and grateful for your contribution and support!

Additional Questions?

For additional information about the Extragive, please visit their website: https://www.extragive.org/info/faq.