Glen Lapp Memorial Volleyball Tournament

Join us January 4 or 5 for our 2025 tournament dates!

Lancaster Mennonite School is excited to host the 15th Annual Glen Lapp Memorial Volleyball Tournament. This tournament was created to honor Glen's life and passion for volleyball.  All proceeds benefit the Glen D. Lapp Endowment for Student Aid, which is used to provide scholarships for immigrant/refugee students at LM.

Tournament Details

This is a two division tournament:

  • Saturday, January 4 – A Division
  • Sunday. January 5 – BB Division

9am start​ both days

  • 20 Team limit per day
  • Each team is guaranteed to play at least 8 games
  • Friendly laid-back atmosphere to reflect Glen’s personality
  • Call your own fouls


About Glen Lapp

Glen played volleyball at Eastern Mennonite University and coached at LMH in the 90’s. He demonstrated love and respect with his quiet, peaceful personality and lived to serve others. In 2010 Glen made national headlines when he and nine others were killed while they were providing free medical assistance to a remote area in Afghanistan.

glen lapp
Glen Lapp