College Planning Schedule
August Prior To Your Senior Year
- Request applications and information from colleges
- Visit school campuses throughout the summer to help narrow down choices
- Look into overnight or weekend college visitation programs
- Take note of upcoming SAT and ACT registration and test dates
- Receive college information at a senior class meeting
- College Planning Calendar for Seniors
- Instructions & Guidelines for Seniors regarding the College application process
- College Application Checklist
- Visit the Guidance office on campus to take advantage of the many useful resources
- Make sure your family receives the monthly email newsletter from the guidance office
- Mark your calendar for local college fairs and when admissions representatives visit campus – a complete list of admission rep visitations are on the bulletin board outside the guidance office and are posted online in the guidance section of LMS’s website
- Schedule appointments with your counselor
- Create a master list or calendar that includes:
- SAT or ACT test dates, fees and registration deadlines
- College application due dates
- Financial aid application forms required and their deadlines
- Visit websites for free test prep and practice exams for the SAT and ACT
- Register for the SAT, SAT Subject or ACT
- Visit college campuses – make sure you fill out an Educational Excuse Form 5 days prior to your visit if you are visiting on a school day – you may get this form from the main high school office or on the school’s website
- Prepare to complete FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
- Begin completing college applications and essays
- Visit the Guidance Career Center on campus to take advantage of the many useful resources
- Ask teachers and your school counselor to complete recommendation letters and forms – please give them at least 2 weeks to complete these forms
- Request transcripts from the guidance office and letters of recommendations from teachers
- Meet with your school counselor for your senior interview
- Attend local college fairs in Lancaster County and surrounding public schools
- Continue to meet with college admission representatives that come on campus – including Mennonite College Day
- Attend financial aid & FAFSA seminars in the area, complete the FAFSA
- Explore scholarship information online – check out the ‘resource’ page of LMS’s guidance website
- If needed, take the SAT or ACT that you may have registered to take
- Consider signing up to take AP exams if you are enrolled in an AP Course.
- Complete college applications by Thanksgiving (some colleges have earlier deadlines)
- Try to finalize your college choices
- Give counselors and the guidance office 7-10 school days to send your transcript to colleges – even if you have applied online
- Meet with college admission representatives that come on campus
- Take the SAT or ACT that you may have registered to take – if needed
- As you finish and send your applications and essays (before Christmas!), be sure to keep copies
- Contact the college’s financial aid office to see what student aid programs exist on a state or campus level
- Obtain any other financial aid forms that may be required by your target schools. Check with the financial aid offices to see if they have specific financial aid requirements and/or deadlines
- Successfully complete your first semester courses
- Continue a rigorous course selection for second semester – accepting colleges do look at the second semester senior classes and grades which will be on your final high school transcript
- Submit all the necessary paperwork or applications for any private or outside scholarships you may have identified
- Be sure you have submitted all required forms: the college admissions application, the FAFSA, any private scholarships, and any state or school-specific forms required for financial aid
- Keep active in school – accepting colleges do look at the second semester senior classes and grades which will be on your final high school transcript
- If you are enrolled in an AP course, ask your teacher about the AP test in May
- Contact your college to see if they will accept your AP credit and to see what score is necessary to receive college credit
- You should receive acceptance letters and financial aid offers by mid-April.
- Make a final enrollment decision and submit enrollment deposit, if requested
- If a school accepted you but you will not be attending, notify the school of your decision not to attend
- Successfully complete second semester classes
- Request the guidance office to send your final high school transcript to the college you are attending
- Take any AP exams you signed up to take
June & July
- Participate in commencement!
- Complete any remaining student aid forms
- Plan for college orientation, transportation and housing for the fall
- If you have not done so, request the guidance office to send your final high school transcript to the college you are attending