student painting

Mrs. Keeney's Middle School Art Gallery from Quarter 1 Exploratory

We have wrapped up a section of Middle School Exploratory already! What a great group!

During our class time together students explored drawing, painting, mixed media and wire sculpture. Mini lessons in drawing and painting in a variety of media were explored including: pencil, colored pencil, oil pastel, tempera and watercolor paint. The big idea of “developing their artist voice” were explored as the students brainstormed what inspires them, researched reference images and created a drawing, painting or mixed media piece of art inspired by this topic that was personally meaning to them. Their wire sculpture was inspired by the big idea of “a figure in motion”. They chose a person or animal in action and “drew” with wire. Students chose to focus on the undulating outline of their subject or added volume with additional wire.

Here are a few highlights in photos from our first quarter together:

“Untitled” By Araceli Reeves


“Untitled” Color Pencil Drawing by Arolona Gashi


“Untitled” By Moses Zimmerman


Students setting up the Art Gallery


Students setting up the Art Gallery