Since 2013, AMY (YODER) MCGLOUGHLIN ‘90 has been involved with Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), an organization committed to the transforming power of nonviolence. Thinking back on what influenced her to begin working with CPT, she says, “I originally went on a delegation because I was tired of saying that the occupation in Palestine was too complicated to understand. If I believe in the work of peace modeled by Jesus, I need to be willing to get into the complicated mess of history and human relationships.” For Amy, going on delegations to Palestine, “became a model of what peacemaking looks like. Peacemaking is not passive.”
She’s thankful for the encouragement she received from teachers while a student at LM to read authors like Alex Haley and James Baldwin, which opened her up to the experiences of others, and for her time living in the dorm with students from many places around the world. “These opportunities expanded my empathy and de-centered my own experience as a white person in the United States.” This broad worldview, along with her recognition that Jesus’ life and teachings were spent blessing and comforting those who were oppressed, impacted her life path and calling to be part of God’s mission for peace and justice.
Amy shared, “Our communities are increasingly full of conflict. I love that LM teaches the values of peace and non-violence to children and youth. From PreKindergarten through high school, LM kids are taught alternatives to violence, and ways to build bridges to deeper understanding. Their voices and perspectives are needed so much in this world today.”
She travels back to the West Bank each year with CPT, and the relationships she’s built with the people there are rich and deep. Amy’s encouragement is that we can each be peacebuilders right in our own communities, by listening, building relationships, and standing with the oppressed.
As a pastor at Frazer Mennonite Church she continues to be challenged to apply the peacemaking skills she has gained into a suburban setting. She encourages others to start small and to ponder, “What is Jesus asking us to do?” and then take those small steps in faith where you are now.