This year, ALEJANDRO ULLOA, spent time engaged in peer to peer observations of teachers at the Lancaster Lincoln Highway Campus. Ulloa, in his eighth year teaching AP and Recent World History, said he wanted to “build professional, mutually beneficial relationships with colleagues.”
Observations were non-evaluative opportunities to share ideas and sharpen instruction for both parties. As teaching is often an isolated act, Ulloa sought to establish a connective practice. “I got even more out of this experience than I anticipated,” Ulloa said. “It was particularly rewarding to be able to celebrate and encourage my co-workers.” Each exchange involved a personalized plan and a series of observations and dialogue.
Afterward, Ulloa published his weekly reflections on an internal blog that became a welcomed source of encouragement, connection and insight across the faculty. Principal Elvin Kennel reflected that, “Mr. Ulloa’s reviews have been a gift to all, as he has been able to observe and share the unique gifts of the classroom teachers.”
Stay tuned for Ulloa’s observations of LMH Music teacher and Choir Director, Marcella Hostetler.
This story was originally published in BRIDGES, Spring 2019.