FACTS Frequently Asked Questions
FACTS Frequently Asked Questions:
FACTS provides flexible payment plan options to families at private and faith-based schools. Families can budget their tuition, making private school more accessible and affordable. The process is simple, convenient and secure.
- How does FACTS work? Each family will receive an email invite from FACTS with information necessary to set-up your account. You will receive one email per family, and have one account for the family to manage multiple children (if applicable). Included in the email will be the website you will access. To view your plan details, log in to your FACTS account at Online.FACTSmgt.com.
- Is my information secure? Yes, your personal information, including payment information, is protected with the highest security standards in the industry. For more information on security, visit: FACTSmgt.com/Security-Compliance.
- What happens when my payment falls on a weekend or a holiday? Your payment will be processed on the next business day.
- What happens if a payment is returned? Returned payments may be subject to a FACTS returned payment fee. Watch for a returned payment notice for additional information.
- How do I make changes once my agreement is on the FACTS system? Changes to your agreement such as your address, phone number, email address, banking information or payment date may be made directly to your account with FACTS. These options will be available to you after you log in at Online.FACTSmgt.com. To change your payment date, click “View Details” next to your payment plan, and under the Upcoming Payments list each payment that is eligible for a payment date change will have the option to click Change Payment Date. All changes must be received by FACTS at least two business days prior to the automatic payment date in order to affect the upcoming payment.
- What is the cost to set up a payment plan? When an enrollment fee is due, the amount of the fee is indicated when setting up your agreement. If applicable, the nonrefundable FACTS enrollment fee will be automatically processed within 14 days of the agreement being posted to the FACTS system.
- Can I make payments with a credit or debit card? Credit and debit cards are an acceptable form of payment with FACTS. You will see an option to pay by card when enrolling in a payment plan, making a payment, or editing your banking information online. A 2.85% fee is charged for paying by credit or debit card. These fees will be displayed on your payment screen when you choose these options.
- When will payments begin? When FACTS receives your agreement, they will send you a letter or email confirming the original terms of your agreement. This includes your payment amount, balance due and date your authorized payments begin. Payments will continue until the total balance is paid in full.
- What if incident bills or other fees occur during the year? Additional invoices for services like After School Care, athletic fees, drama fees or field trips may be sent throughout the year and will be processed through FACTS. You will be notified if/when these occur.
- What are the benefits of using FACTS for tuition payments:
- Choose your payment date & method: You may choose the day you want to pay monthly so you can set-up automatic monthly tuition payments. Automatic payments can be made from a checking account, savings account or credit card.
- Convenience & Security: 24/7 access to your personal account where you can check past payments or make a new payment online from anywhere. Along with multiple payment plan options, your payments are processed securely.
- 24/7 Customer Support: If you have questions, the folks at FAST are available 24/7 to help you. In addition, they have a Spanish-speaking help desk.
- Automatic Notifications: You will be automatically notified every time a payment is made, or you have additional invoices or fees that need paid.
- How do I get help? FAST Customer Care Representatives are available to assist you 24/7 with account related questions like forgotten passwords or usernames. They are also available to help you change bank account or credit card information. You may also contact the LM Director of Business Services, Lorri Hengst via email: hengstlk@lancastermennonite.org or phone: 717-740-2434.
- What if I have a questions about my agreement or want to print my payment history? You may check balances, tuition and fees paid, print reports and view scheduled payments by logging in to your account at Online.FACTSmgt.com, or you may call FACTS toll-free at 866-441-4637 for assistance.
More FAQS from FACTS: Click here.
What about Continuous Enrollment?
If your child is not returning to LM for the 2020-21 school year, the deadline to notify the admissions office in writing is February 1. In early February all continuing families will be automatically billed a registration fee through FACTS, with payment required by March 1. The fee for 2021-22 is $150 for a family with one child, or $250 for families with multiple children. The discounted fee will increase by $100 if not paid by March 1.
Learn more about Continuous Enrollment: Click here.
What about Financial Aid?
Families will continue to apply for financial aid through FAST. Financial aid will open in late January. To receive the most favorable consideration, apply for need-based aid by April 1.
Learn more about Financial Aid: Click here.