bridges magazine cover

Bridges – Social Entrepreneurs Edition

This issue of Bridges is filled with a small sampling of how our alumni social entrepreneurs are transforming business as usual, and how LM is equipping students to make the world a better place. We also share more about our big news of our three campuses uniting on one campus in the fall of 2022. We pray you each experience growth and renewal to join us in transforming the patterns of this world into the likeness of Christ – enjoy this edition!

See the New Bridges Spring ’21 Edition


Financial Report Snapshot 2020 & Campus Unification Update

A current snapshot of LM’s 2020 financials demonstrates a strong foundation, and outlines our continued measures to reduce debt and build endowment for a sustainable, secure future.


We want to be transparent about our financial position to dispel concerns and inspire your engagement with a vibrant program that transforms students who make a difference in our community and world. We have much to rejoice over!



Leading With Heart: How a ’99 LM Alumna Built a Coffee Company to Benefit Everyone

Andrea (Nolt) Hackman ’99 is President & Co-founder of One Village Coffee. “We see ourselves as One Village where we can do more together than we can on our own,” says Hackman. “Part of being a village is connecting with others and breaking down barriers of ‘us’ versus ‘them.’”

Read more about how the collaborative mindset is a central tenet of this inspiring and quickly growing family-run & farmer-owned, B-Corp certified, ethically sourced speciality coffee roaster with global distribution and compostable packaging.


Creating Sustainable Spaces

Elizabeth Byler ’13 has a passion for human flourishing! This is evident in her work at Eden Environments, a B2B (business-to-business) green interior design and consulting service where they work to create sustainable spaces for people to thrive. For Elizabeth, this focus on community and helping others is at the heart of what it means to work for the greater good.

Read more about how her time at LM being involved in the drama department and Chapel Planning Committee showed her the power of immersive environments and collaboration.


Preparing a Generation for a Bright Future

LM Assistant Principal & Director of Counseling, Kirk Benner ’00, shares how throughout their education, students discover a variety of passions to pursue after graduation. Successful students seek and follow Jesus while taking a step of faith towards the passions that God has placed within them.

In High School Business classes students develop a mock business and consider more than just the bottom line: how can it positively impact the local community, environment and demonstrate the love of Christ?

Read more to see how LM students are being equipped to be the leaders of tomorrow.


LM Senior Capstone Projects

LM Seniors enrolled in Kingdom Living class engage in a 20-hour internship or volunteer experience for their Capstone Project. They are placed in a number of settings and come away with a glimpse of and new appreciation for the world around them.

LM Student, Robsan Dinka assisted the LM Athletic Trainer behind the scenes. Read more about Robsan’s learnings and reflection during his Senior Capstone internship experience.